Expo Vivian Maier

Hours and access


The Musée du Luxembourg is closed between exhibitions.

During exhibitions periods :

Pictogramme horloge   Every day, from 10:30am to 7pm.

Pictogramme lune   Late-night opening on Mondays until 10pm, except on July 29 and August 5

Open every day except 1 May and 25 December.

Last admission 45 minutes before closing time, evacuation of exhibition area 15 minutes before closing time, last access to Sésame Escales ticket office 1 hour before closing time.


Musée du Luxembourg, 19 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris Tél. : 01 40 13 62 00

By public transport

RER: line B, to Luxembourg (exit Jardin du Luxembourg)

Metro: line 4, to Saint Sulpice; line 10, to Mabillon; line 12, to Rennes

Bus: lines 58, 84, 89, to Musée du Luxembourg ; Lines 63,70, 86, 96, to Église Saint Sulpice

By car

Parking Marché Saint-Germain : accès par la rue Lobineau, Paris 6e

Parking: Place Saint Sulpice, Paris 6e 


Stations n° 6009, 6030, 6017

/accessibilite Voir les conditions d'accessibilité
From March, 13 to August, 11 2024