Pissarro in Eragny

Nature regained

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Nature regained

from 16 March to 9 July 2017


From 16th March to 9th July, the Musée du Luxembourg is presenting a monographic exhibition on a totally new subject that focuses on the last two decades of Camille Pissarro's artistic career. Alongside family archives, around one hundred paintings, drawings and engravings -  little known and yet spectacular - produced in Éragny-sur-Epte between 1884 and 1903, from the greatest museum and private collections in the world, illustrate the least studied period of this artist's career. Pissarro moved to the village of Éragny in 1884 to a beautiful house which he was able to buy thanks to a loan from Claude Monet, and where he remained for the rest of his life. At the centre of this artistic and intellectual ferment, Pissarro expressed his political convictions in his painting and in his way of life. 
The two great Pissarro specialists, Richard Brettell and Joachim Pissarro, jointly curate this ambitious exhibition. 
Exhibition organised by the Réunion des musées nationales – Grand Palais at the musée du Luxembourg.




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Camille Pissarro, La Cueillette des pommes (détail), Éragny, 1887-1888, huile sur toile, 60 x 73 cm, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, Texas, USA © Dallas Museum of Art, Munger Fund, Image courtesy Dallas Museum of Art, 1955.17.M

From March, 13 to August, 11 2024