Man Ray, Coco Chanel, 1935

Man Ray and Shauna Toohey & Misha Hollenbach

The photography of Man Ray freezes a moment, crystallised in silver and shadow. His images transcend time, are they from an unknown future? (And what does it even matter, "when”?)

As the fashion seasons become a blur, and the system crumbles, the image lingers and lives, surfacing again with every new contact.

SS2078, or AW1926, it no longer matters. Time is abstract, the seasons fluid, and with the image frozen.

Mrs Shauna Toohey and M. Misha Hollenbach,  Fashion Designers, Co-founders of Perks And Mini (P.A.M.)


Read the other tributes

Man Ray and Fashion
from 23 September to 17 January 2021