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O Touro - Boi na floresta
O Touro - Boi na floresta © © Tarsila do Amaral Licenciamento e Empreendimentos S.A.

Family writing workshop

Tarsila do Amaral
On 16th November 2024
15:00 - 17:00
Young Audience
From 12 years old

Attempt your visit from a unique angle: using a work by Tarsila do Amaral as a starting point, set in motion not only your eyes but also your creativity by taking up the pen. An introductory workshop designed by Aleph-Ecriture, a writing school since 1985, will enable you to share and exchange ideas about the exhibition. Don't miss this opportunity to make art and writing resonate!

Your ticket gives you access to the exhibition 2 hours before the workshop.

Reservations recommended.

Les ateliers, Aleph

O Touro - Boi na floresta
Caipirinha, Tarsila do Amaral
O Mamoeiro