The Museum


The renovation of the museum



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The RMN-GP has called on Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines, architects of the Centre Pompidou Metz, renowned for the aesthetic and environmental quality of their constructions, for two new temporary exterior structures: a café/restaurant/tea room (Angelina) and the museum’s educational workshops. These spaces are totally flexible, and can host private events outside museum opening times. The RMN-GP has invited the architects to continue their work inside the museum with further interior design proposals.

Shigeru Ban has had occasion to work with many museums, the MOMA and the Guggenheim in New York, and, in France, in association with Jean de Gastines, for the Centre Pompidou-Metz.

The RMN-GP engaged these architects for their expertise in temporary structures, the high quality of their buildings and their use of sustainable materials, like recycled paper tubes, materials that are central to the design put forward for the Musée du Luxembourg.


Find out more about Shigeru Ban and Jean de Gastines.

From March, 13 to August, 11 2024