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A Negra
A Negra © © Tarsila do Amaral Licenciamento e Empreendimentos S.A.

Study days on the work "A Negra"

Tarsila do Amaral
Some days until 5th November 2024
Variable hours

These two study days focus on A Negra (1923), an emblematic work by Tarsila do Amaral, on exceptional loan from the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo (MAC USP). Favoring exchange and discussion between participants and with the public, these conversations and round tables bring together Brazilian and European researchers to discuss the questions of identity, race and gender that this work still raises today. Based on these critical issues, they will also discuss exhibition practices and current readings of Brazilian modernism.

Study days organized in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo (MAC USP) and the German Center for Art History (DFK Paris).

With the support of the Brazilian Embassy in France.

Conception: Cecilia Braschi (exhibition curator), Ana Magalhães (MAC USP), Lena Bader (DFK Paris)

Communications and discussions in French and Portuguese, with simultaneous translation.

Reservations required up to 3 working days before the event.

Detailed program

Monday, November 4, 2024 - Palais du Luxembourg, Salle Médicis, 15, rue de Vaugirard, 75006, Paris

10 am Introduction: Cecilia Braschi and Ana Magalhães

Tarsila - A modernist woman between Paris and São Paulo
Moderator: Cecilia Braschi

10:30 am Catherine Gonnard “Parisian crossroads and itineraries, interludes for another modernity”

11 am Ana Paula Simioni “Polyphonic primitivism: the trajectories of two Brazilian artists in Paris in the 1920s, Anita Malfatti and Tarsila do Amaral”

11:30 am Renata Cardoso “Tarsila do Amaral and the critics, from the 1920s to the 1960s”

12 am Discussion

12:30 am Lunch break

“A Negra” and contemporary Brazilian art
Moderator: Ana Magalhães

2:30 pm Conversation between Ana Avelar, Vivian Braga dos Santos and Val Souza

4 pm Discussion

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - German Center for Art History, Hôtel Lully 45, rue des Petits Champs, 75001 Paris, Salle Meier Graefe

2 pm Welcome and Introduction: Peter Geimer and Lena Bader

Questions of Primitivism / Questions of Criticism
Moderation: Lena Bader

2:30 pm Ana Magalhães “Tarsila do Amaral ‘caipira’ and cosmopolitan: some reflections on A Cuca”

3 pm Rafael Cardoso “Pau Brasil: primitivism in reverse?"

3:30 pm Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira “A Negra: a structural reading of the Brazilian visual universe”

4 pm Discussion

Tarsila do Amaral in the world today
Moderator: Ana Magalhães

5 pm Round table with all speakers

6:30 pm Cocktail

  • Ana Avelar, Professor of Theory, Criticism and Art History, University of Brasília

  • Lena Bader, Director of Research, German Center for Art History (DFK), Paris

  • Vivian Braga dos Santos, Researcher, INHA, Paris

  • Cecilia Braschi, PhD in art history (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) and independent curator

  • Rafael Cardoso, art historian and writer, research associate, Freie Universität Berlin (Lateinamerika-Institut) and member of the art history faculty, Universidade do Estado do Rio e Janeiro

  • Renata Cardoso, Professor, Department of Art and Music Theory (DTAM), Federal University of Espírito Santo

  • Ana Paula Cavalcanti Simioni, Professor, Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros da Universidade de São Paulo (IEB-USP), São Paulo, Brazil

  • Peter Geimer, Director, German Center for Art History (DFK Paris)

  • Catherine Gonnard, journalist and essayist, specialist in women's literature and history

  • Ana Gonçalves Magalhães, professor, Museum of Contemporary Art, University of São Paulo (MAC-USP)

  • Eduardo Jorge de Oliveira, Professor of Brazilian Studies (literature, culture, media), University of Zurich (UZH)

  • Val Souza, artist


Monday, November 4: 10 am - 3:30 pm

Tuesday, November 5: 2 pm - 4:30 pm


Événement gratuit sur réservation obligatoire avant le 31 octobre.